What is the Ethnicity of San Antonio, Texas?

San Antonio, Texas is a diverse city with a high school graduation rate of 82.48% among white people and a rate of 44.86% among Asians for bachelor's degrees. The city is experiencing healthy natural growth with a high birth rate and a low death rate. The map below shows the diversity in San Antonio, with areas in green being more diverse and areas in red being much less diverse. Diversity in this case means a mix of people of different races and ethnicities living close to each other.

The chart below shows the stock breakdown of the major industries for residents of San Antonio, Texas, although some of these residents may live in San Antonio, Texas, and work elsewhere. The following map shows the majority race by area in the San Antonio metropolitan area, as self-identified in the United States Census. The race least likely to be in poverty in San Antonio is Islanders, with 6.37% below the poverty level. While it won't overtake Dallas any time soon, San Antonio's growth will allow it to maintain its place as the second most populated city in Texas for the time being.

The most diverse area within the proper limits of the San Antonio metropolitan area is located east of the city. San Antonio is a vibrant city that has seen an influx of people from other countries and other parts of the country, contributing to its growth and diversity. This has allowed it to become one of the most diverse cities in Texas, with a wide range of cultures and ethnicities represented. The city has a rich history that dates back to its founding in 1718 by Spanish explorers. It has since grown into a major metropolitan area with a population of over 1.5 million people. It is home to many different cultures and ethnicities, including Mexican-Americans, African-Americans, Asians, and Europeans. San Antonio is also home to many different religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism.

This diversity has allowed for a unique cultural experience that can be found nowhere else. San Antonio is an incredibly diverse city that has something for everyone. From its vibrant culture to its rich history, it is a great place to live and visit.